Granbury First United Methodist Church

Wednesday Night

Upcoming Events

Christmas Cantata
Granbury FUMC
Brazos Chamber Orchestra
Christmas Concert Series - Brazos Chamber Orchestra
Granbury FUMC
blue christmas
Blue Christmas
Granbury FUMC

Fall Activities Begin Sept. 4th


Wednesday Night dinners will be held in the Community Room from 5:00 – 6:00 PM. 

We are so excited to have this opportunity to gather again over a wonderful meal and have many activities afterward for all ages. 

Meal Cost:

  • Adult recommended donation of $8
  • Students eat for free

Donate toward meals here.

Kids Activities

Kindergarten – 5th grade

Our Wednesday kids activities take place from 3:30-5:30 pm. You may drop your child off at church at 3:30, or we can pick them up from school in our Granbury FUMC church van. We pick up from every Granbury ISD public elementary school. On Wednesday nights, your child will participate in many exciting activities including choir, snack, large group, small groups, and games. If your child will be participating in Wednesday activities, please fill out the forms below.

Student Activities

6th – 12th Grade

Come be a part of our Christ-centered student activities on Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30 pm. You may drop your youth off at church/drive yourself, or we can pick them up from school in our Granbury FUMC church van. We pick up from AMS, GMS, and GHS. Wednesday night activities include time for homework, games, large group, small groups, and worship. If your student will be participating in Wednesday activities, please fill out the forms below.

Adult Activities

Childcare is available to those participating in Wednesday night adult activities in the children’s wing.

Chancel Choir

6:15 pm in the Choir Room

The Chancel Choir is open to singers of all ages. The Choir leads worship for the Sunday morning service. They also provide at least two concerts a year accompanied by an orchestra.  

If you are interested in being part of this Christ-centered ministry, please come join us during adult activities. Come sing with us!

Led by David Anavitarte

Pastor’s Bible Study

Offered at 11 AM on Mondays or 6:15 PM on Wednesdays

Fellowship/Chapel Room 121

A Bible study focusing on the Old Testament.

Led by Craig Clark

Prayer Walk

6:15 PM in the Gym

Come join us as we walk and talk to Jesus in prayer.  

Prayer walking is a type of intercessory prayer that involves walking to or near a particular place while praying. As you prayer walk, your prayers extend beyond your own concerns, focusing directly on the needs of others and opening yourself to see them with God’s eyes and heart.

Prayer walks are a means of asking God to give you a heart for your neighborhood, city and land. It gives you a concrete means of doing something for the well-being of your town as you ask the Holy Spirit to pray through you as you observe the world around you.

Led by Shelby Reams

Ready to Visit Our Church?

Hebrews 10:25 - "...not staying away from our worship meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day drawing near."

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To reach any of our staff members, call the church office or use our contact form.

since 1871

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We're delighted to connect with you. Whether you have questions, want to get involved, or simply need support, our doors and hearts are open to you.

301 Loop 567, Granbury, TX 76087

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